Strategic Community Intervention LLC
P.O. Box 10247
Rochester NY 14610
(585) 748-9515
Nuisance Abatement Project, Phase 2 (2017)
As a follow up to our “Nuisance Abatement Point Systems Evaluation (July 2016)”, the City entered into an agreement to fully develop implementation strategies for our findings. The City retained the responsibility for two of the areas, and eight (including one new area identified from the report) were assigned to SCI. After another round of community sessions, we appointed a Nuisance Redesign Advisory Committee, composed of neighborhood leaders, landlords and property owners, and business representatives, to provide advice and counsel to the redesign process. This resulted in proposals to create new mechanisms for public accountability and reporting, designing the first-ever training regimen for civil and uniformed staff who administer the system, and expanding a mechanism for peer review of the points system. (The full report may be viewed on the City’s website.) SCI Associates assigned to this project were: Lynda Bell, Bridgette Burch-White, Rodric Cox-Cooper, David Dey, Robert Elliott, Thomas Green, Cameron Hebda and William A. Johnson.