Strategic Community Intervention LLC
P.O. Box 10247
Rochester NY 14610
(585) 748-9515
Binghamton NY Neighborhood Quality and Integrity Project (2018)
SCI was engaged by the Mayor of Binghamton, Richard C. David, to assess the effectiveness of various local neighborhood revitalization projects that are an integral strategy in the city’s comprehensive plan, Blueprint Binghamton: Forward Together. Upstate cities like Binghamton have experienced decades of physical decline and economic dislocation, and those fortunes seem to moving in the opposite direction in recent years. We conducted a series of meetings with key city stakeholders and staff, to gauge their assessment of the success of these projects; and if there was a need to make changes that would lead to more progressive outcomes. These projects were also benchmarked against similar programs in other upstate cities. SCI Associates assigned to this project were Tony Favro and Rod Cox-Cooper.